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Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Jacques Lemordant, Mathieu Razafimahazo.

PDRTrack is a localization utility running on iOS or Android smartphones used for recording and playing data sets (accelerometer, gyroscope, barometer and magnetometer values) to find out the effect of different pedometer and map matching parameters and their result on localization accuracy. This application uses the PDR library, written in C++ and developed by the team, which provides the user's location in real time based on the interpretation of sensor readings. Three main modules have been designed to build this localization system:

The PDR library has been shared to the VENTURI consortium for the first part of the second year demonstrator: guiding a visually impaired person from Fondazione Bruno Kessler's bus stop to the building entrance. Others partners have used this localization system for retrieving a scale factor needed for the computer vision part (i.e SLAM).